Wales follows Scotland and Northern Ireland in implementing low risk diabetic eye screening pathway

Wales has followed Scotland and Northern Ireland in implementing the UK NSC's recommendation for a low risk diabetic eye screening pathway.
Mike is the UK NSC head of public and professional engagement, information and knowledge. A former journalist, he has worked in screening since 2010.
Wales has followed Scotland and Northern Ireland in implementing the UK NSC's recommendation for a low risk diabetic eye screening pathway.
A summary note has been published of the latest meeting of the UK National Screening Committee's Blood Spot Task Group when members were updated on progress on 4 of its 5 core projects.
Apply for one of 12 exciting vacancies in the expert reference groups that support the UK National Screening Committee.
Variation in how health services are delivered and funded, how screening is described and how screening policy is made help explain differences between countries and regions in what conditions they screen for.
Researchers start work on new project to review evidence for newborn screening for spinal muscular atrophy.
Find out more about the role of the UK NSC's patient and public voice members (PPVs) and the essential contribution they make to the work of the committee.
The UK NSC has published a new collection of documents on GOV.UK that describe its processes and principles for implementing the chief medical officers’ recommendations for the committee’s expanded remit.
The UK NSC has recommended that the 4 UK nations should move towards implementing a targeted national lung cancer screening programme, integrated with smoking cessation services.
Today, we publish a report summarising the work of the UK National Screening Committee over the past 25 years.
The UK National Screening Committee (UK NSC) advises ministers and the NHS in the 4 UK countries about all aspects of population screening and supports implementation of
screening programmes.