Health Screening module unlocks opportunities and deepens understanding
Popular master’s level course can open up exciting opportunities to further develop your career in the world of screening.
Popular master’s level course can open up exciting opportunities to further develop your career in the world of screening.
Commissioning and procurement of the new SMA screening cost-effectiveness model has begun and scoping work for the in-service evaluation is progressing well.
New dates have been announced for our popular screening masterclass. Book now to avoid missing out.
The UK NSC hosted the annual meeting of the Nordic Screening Network, sharing learning with screening colleagues from Denmark, Iceland, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden.
The NHS in England will this month start inviting people at lower risk of diabetic retinopathy for diabetic eye screening every 2 years instead of every year.
The UK National Screening Committee (UK NSC) today launches a programme of online seminars for stakeholders. There are currently 3 to choose from and they are all free.
The UK NSC's blood spot task group is looking for 2 patient and public voice representatives to support one of its core projects.
In order to streamline the process, the UK National Screening Committee's consolidated single annual call process will in future open each year on 1 July and close on 30 September.
New manuscript explores how newborn blood spot screening policy development and screening practice in the UK compares with patient-led EURORDIS principles.
The UK NSC is looking to add dedicated midwifery expertise to its pool of expert professional clinical advisers.