Twelve companies from around the world attended a UK National Screening Committee virtual event to share information on the development of multi-cancer early detection tests and how these tests might eventually lead to exciting developments in the UK’s cancer screening programmes.
Variation in how health services are delivered and funded, how screening is described and how screening policy is made help explain differences between countries and regions in what conditions they screen for.
The UK National Screening Committee is recommending the introduction of screening for tyrosinaemia as part of the newborn blood spot screening programme.
The UK National Screening Committee (UK NSC) received a record number of 29 proposals during its 2022 annual call for topics. This is by far the most submissions it has received in a single year since the annual call process started in 2016.
A public dialogue on the implications of whole genome sequencing (WGS) for newborn screening, commissioned by the UK NSC, has won the 2022 Market Research Society (MRS) award for public policy/social research.
Find out more about the role of the UK NSC's patient and public voice members (PPVs) and the essential contribution they make to the work of the committee.
The new UK NSC screening manual sets out the evidence base, policy requirements, implementation processes, quality assurance requirements and core pathway components needed for national screening programmes.
The UK NSC has published a new collection of documents on GOV.UK that describe its processes and principles for implementing the chief medical officers’ recommendations for the committee’s expanded remit.
The UK NSC has recommended that the 4 UK nations should move towards implementing a targeted national lung cancer screening programme, integrated with smoking cessation services.
The 2022 annual call has opened for submission of proposals for potential new screening programmes or new technologies that have not previously been reviewed by the UK National Screening Committee.