Work starts on reviewing the case for screening for SMA

Researchers start work on new project to review evidence for newborn screening for spinal muscular atrophy.
Researchers start work on new project to review evidence for newborn screening for spinal muscular atrophy.
Find out more about the role of the UK NSC's patient and public voice members (PPVs) and the essential contribution they make to the work of the committee.
Using evidence maps as the first stage in its evidence review process helps the UK NSC focus its more detailed work on topics where there is the most significant new evidence.
The new UK NSC screening manual sets out the evidence base, policy requirements, implementation processes, quality assurance requirements and core pathway components needed for national screening programmes.
The UK NSC has published a new collection of documents on GOV.UK that describe its processes and principles for implementing the chief medical officers’ recommendations for the committee’s expanded remit.
The UK NSC has recommended that the 4 UK nations should move towards implementing a targeted national lung cancer screening programme, integrated with smoking cessation services.
The 2022 annual call has opened for submission of proposals for potential new screening programmes or new technologies that have not previously been reviewed by the UK National Screening Committee.
A small number of bursaries are now available for the ever-popular Warwick health screening module.
Next month, the UK NSC will once again open its annual call process when any individual or organisation can suggest a new screening programme. Following the expansion of the committee’s remit, the UK NSC will welcome proposals for targeted and stratified screening as well as population screening.
More than 300,000 babies in England have already been screened for severe combined immunodeficiency in an evaluation run by the UK NSC and NHS England.