SCID screening in-service evaluation: analysis of results under way

The evaluation of screening babies for severe combined immune deficiency in the NHS has come to an end and the results are being analysed.
The evaluation of screening babies for severe combined immune deficiency in the NHS has come to an end and the results are being analysed.
The UK NSC is pleased again to be able to offer a small number of bursaries to applicants wanting to study the health screening module at the University of Warwick.
UK NSC's clinical ethicist members has tandem passions in work and leisure.
UK NSC recommends addition of quadruple test to the antenatal screening pathway for Edwards' syndrome.
Send us your ideas for topics to cover at future UK NSC online screening seminars.
Dr Graham Shortland OBE talks about his roles on the UK NSC as vice-chair and a paediatric specialist and the exciting challenges facing the committee.
Anneke helps the UK NSC navigate the complexities of clinical genetics evidence in screening when public expectations about the ability of genetics to predict ill health are running high.
The UK NSC and its partners were updated on work to review the evidence for newborn screening for spinal muscular atrophy at the second meeting of the SMA in-service evaluation partnership board.
New UK NSC guidance explains how the committee decides if action is required to mitigate declared conflicts of interest by stakeholders and members.
The English government has endorsed the UK National Screening Committee’s recommendation to add hereditary tyrosinaemia type 1 to the conditions screened for by the NHS Newborn Blood Spot Screening Programme.