We’re looking for 3 new members to join expanding UK NSC: apply now

The UK NSC is recruiting 3 new members to support its expanded role and remit.
The UK NSC is recruiting 3 new members to support its expanded role and remit.
As part of our work to develop a new approach to ethics to help guide the work of the UK National Screening Committee (UK NSC), we tested the proposals by looking at family cascade screening for familial hypercholesterolemia (FH).
The deadline for the recruitment of a new chair of the UK National Screening Committee has been extended until 21 January 2022.
The UK National Screening Committee (UK NSC) is looking for a new chair to contribute to its ongoing development.
Have you ever wondered where the evidence which the UK National Screening Committee (UK NSC) uses to make its recommendations comes from? The UK NSC is supported by a secretariat function, part of which is a team responsible for managing …
Details of changes to the national screening system from 1 October, due to the closure of Public Health England.
Reflections from Dr Robert Sherriff about the early days of the UK NSC and why it's just as important today as when it started in 1996.
The fetal, maternal and child health (FMCH) group and adult reference group (ARG) of the UK NSC are looking for new members.
The 2021 annual call is your opportunity to make a proposal for a new screening topic to be considered by the UK National Screening Committee as part of its regular review process.
A review of the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in breast cancer screening, commissioned by the UK National Screening Committee (UK NSC), has found that humans are still better than technology at spotting possible cases of breast cancer during screening.