How the UK NSC stays up to date with health screening innovations

Article alert system helps ensure the UK NSC stays up to date with the latest scientific developments in health screening.
Article alert system helps ensure the UK NSC stays up to date with the latest scientific developments in health screening.
An update from the partnership board that is overseeing the planning of an in-service evaluation (ISE) of newborn screening for spinal muscular atrophy.
More than 200 stakeholders attended a fascinating UK National Screening Committee (UK NSC) seminar exploring multi-cancer detection tests (MCDs) and their potential use in a screening context. Attendees included academics, clinicians, researchers, industry representatives, patient organisations, screening providers, policy makers …
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Find out more about the role local government public health teams play in screening.
Cancer Research UK Strategic Evidence Manager Hope Walters talks about her experience of attending the Health Screening Module at the University of Warwick.
Experts discussed the potential role and challenges of surrogate endpoints in cancer screening in a webinar hosted by Cancer Research UK and Consilium Scientific.
Amanda Pichini, Clinical Director at Genomics England, explains how the Generation Study hopes to provide evidence to inform future screening approaches.
From 1 February 2025, the NHS Targeted Lung Health Check (TLHC) Programme will be known as the NHS Lung Cancer Screening Programme.
The importance of the NHS screening programmes to the public’s health is underlined in a high level summary of data from the NHS Screening Programmes in England for the screening year 2021 to 2022.