UK NSC received 26 new submissions in response to 2024 call for topics

The UK National Screening Committee (UK NSC) received 26 proposals in response to its 2024 annual open call for topics.
The UK National Screening Committee (UK NSC) received 26 proposals in response to its 2024 annual open call for topics.
The phased implementation of OCT scans into the post-diabetic eye screening treatment and surveillance pathway in England is expected to save tens of thousands of hospital appointments every year.
More than 5,000 lung cancers have been detected since the launch of the Targeted Lung Health Check programme, which will become a national lung cancer screening programme.
The HPValidate study has published its final results and found that 4 combinations of HPV self-collection device and test worked well – these can now be used to help find out how self-sampling could be introduced into cervical screening.
A journal article has been published about a UK NSC workshop on risk stratification in breast screening.
Our latest UK NSC member profile focuses on Professor Chris Hyde.
The NHS Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) screening programme annual standards report for 2023 to 2024 has been published.
The SMA Screening In-service evaluation (ISE) Partnership Board held its latest meeting on 17 September, and received updates from partners, stakeholders and expert sub-groups.
UK NSC consultation opens into removal of dental disease in children from list of recommendations that are regularly reviewed.
We take a look back at a successful and busy first year for the UK NSC research and methodology group.